Businesses don't run themselves...

But that doesn't mean your business should be running your life. There is a better way...

Remember When You Started Your Business?

That dream to connect with your clients, make an impact, and have something to show for your work.

You want a business that runs smoothly and allows you to live in alignment with your priorities and values.

And not feel like you're on a hamster wheel.

Entrepreneurs — especially those of us in any kind of "helping" roles (yep, I'm looking at you coaches, doulas, midwives, and lactation professionals) — don't set out to build a business that feels like it's taken over our lives.

You deserve a streamlined, easy-to-market, and easy-to-manage business.

One that pays you what you're worth. (Hint: it's a lot more than your business bank account currently shows).

And the key is knowing exactly what to focus on.

This clarity allows you to:

simplify your business while increasing your income,

leverage your knowledge to move beyond exchanging hours for dollars, and

create impressive momentum toward the business — and life — of your dreams.

My mission is to equip families on their journey with the compassionate and evidence-based information and guidance that will lead to deeper connection, optimal child development, and confident parenting that lasts a lifetime.

About Me, Joy MacTavish:

While attending my first birth at only 13 years old, I never imagined I would build a career educating and guiding over a thousand families during their transition to parenthood.

My work is grounded in 15 years of training and experience and more credentials than is strictly necessary.

  • Owner of Sound Beginnings® and the ebb+flow holistic newborn care course.
  • Birth & Postpartum Doula
  • Childbirth & Newborn Educator
  • International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
  • Certified Babywearing Consultant
  • Holistic Sleep Coach
  • Business Strategist & Coach

Are YOu Ready to Ensure that Your Business Plans feel

clear, exciting, and in alignment with your goals?

Yep, that's where I Come IN!

Here's how we'll Work Together


STrategy Session

Once you complete your Status and Struggles form, we'll dive deep during a comprehensive strategy session. You'll walk away with a bullet-pointed road map to guide you on the exact next steps that will move you toward success! (Psst — this is all about removing the overwhelm and creating thoughtful action.)


coaching Package

You'll make the most progress with on-going support for check-ins (read: accountability), fine-tuning (something new will almost always pop up), and simply knowing you don't need to do this whole entrepreneurial thing alone!


Funnel Building

If you're ready to create a cohesive funnel to support your customers' journey, this is for you. We'll map it out and then make sure you have all the tech solutions you need for a streamlined and easy to manage system. Cha-ching!


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